Fish Hooks Terminology
- There is no confusion here about the measurement, which is the shortest distance between the hook point and hook shank. Among the hook produces, those located in English speaking countries have traditionally used "gape" whereas the trem "gap" is used exclusively by manufactures in countries whose language is other than English. Here we would suggest that the use of gape be adopted by English language writers.
- The trems have been utilized to describe a hook's particular curvature.
- If the point of a hook is not in the same plane as the shank, i.e., if it is bent to one side, it is termed as "offset", as opposed to straight. The trems "kirbed" of "reversed" further signify whether the point is offset to the right or left side. Some manufacturers simply state "offset" in describing their hooks, while others provide us a more complate description. While hooks with offset bends are used only infrequently in fly tying, I can think of no reason not to use the fuller description.
- The term point describes both the sharp tip end of a hook as well as the entire portion ranging from that tip to the hook barb. Spear, on the other hand, represents that portion of the hook measured from the bottom of the bend, forward to the tip of the point. I don't see any way to avoid the confusion resulting from using the point in it's dual role.
- The distance from the front end of the hook point to the furthest depth of the bend is called the throat. If this distance is too short it is agreed that is a greater chance that a fish might free itself from the hook.
- Represents the forward part of the hook, to which the fishing line or leader is attached. Modern hooks are either ball (sometimes called "ringed," a confusing designation as you will soon note) or looped, and the end of the wire is either tapered or untapered. The finished eye is either straight, or is turned up or turned down. On a very few hook models the eye is turned 90 degrees to a position in the same plane as that of the hook bend. This style eye is also terned "ringed."
Marine Cut AD-Sharp Barbless Reversed Kirbed -
Ringed Open Flatted Dai Hole in flat W-Ringed Large Ring -
Black Bronze Blue Red Permatin Blank Nickel Gold Nickel Tin -
Strong 2 Extra Strong -
Forged Auto Line stainless Steel JIG Turned down eye Turned up eye 1 Slice 2 Slice -
Short Long